Murder At Night

Author: jammy
5 years ago

Riddle: A man was very hungry one night, so he decided to go to a pizza shop. After eating pizzas, he came home and felt he was very tired. So he turned off the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, there were police at his door saying that this man has been caught killing thousands of people. How is this possible
Answer: He lives in a lighthouse, so when he turns off the lights, the ships can't see!
A man was very hungry one night, so he decided to go to a pizza shop. After eating pizzas, he came home and felt he was very tired. So he turned off the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, there were police at his door saying that this man has been caught killing thousands of people. How is this possible
Murder at Night by jammy v1.

Riddle: A man was very hungry one night, so he decided to go to a pizza shop. After eating pizzas, he came home and felt he was very tired. So he turned off the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, there were police at his door saying that this man has been caught killing thousands of people. How is this possible Answer: He lives in a lighthouse, so when he turns off the lights, the ships can't see!
by jammy v2.