Cabin Facing South

Author: Anonymous
8 years ago

Riddle: A man goes into a cabin deep in the country. All walls within this cabin face south and are made of wood. A bear walks by the window. What color is he?
Answer: Since all walls within this cabin face south, the only location on the face of the earth this is possible is the North Pole. So thus the bear is a polar bear and the color would have to be white!
A man goes into a cabin deep in the country. All walls within this cabin face south and are made of wood. A bear walks by the window. What color is he?
Cabin facing south by Anonymous v1.

Riddle: A man goes into a cabin deep in the country. All walls within this cabin face south and are made of wood. A bear walks by the window. What color is he? Answer: Since all walls within this cabin face south, the only location on the face of the earth this is possible is the North Pole. So thus the bear is a polar bear and the color would have to be white!
by Anonymous v2.