The Three

Author: Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo
6 years ago

Riddle: We are three. The first one, you always talk about, but never think of seeing or meeting again. The second one, you always wait for, but when it comes, you never say it is here, but still waits. The last one, you are always in it even now, yet you never say I can see it. What are they?
Answer: Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today.
We are three. The first one, you always talk about, but never think of seeing or meeting again. The second one, you always wait for, but when it comes, you never say it is here, but still waits. The last one, you are always in it even now, yet you never say I can see it. What are they?
The three by Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo v1.

Riddle: We are three. The first one, you always talk about, but never think of seeing or meeting again. The second one, you always wait for, but when it comes, you never say it is here, but still waits. The last one, you are always in it even now, yet you never say I can see it. What are they? Answer: Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today.
by Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo v2.