Sunday Murder

Author: Tricky Riddler
7 years ago

Riddle: It was a Sunday morning. The father was getting the mail, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, the little sister was playing with dolls, the little brother was playing video games, the big sister was listening to music, and the big brother was reading a book. When the mother came into the big sister's room to tell her breakfast was done, the big sister was murdered. Who did it?
Answer: The father.
It was a Sunday morning. The father was getting the mail, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, the little sister was playing with dolls, the little brother was playing video games, the big sister was listening to music, and the big brother was reading a book. When the mother came into the big sister's room to tell her breakfast was done, the big sister was murdered. Who did it?
Sunday Murder by Tricky Riddler v1.

Riddle: It was a Sunday morning. The father was getting the mail, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, the little sister was playing with dolls, the little brother was playing video games, the big sister was listening to music, and the big brother was reading a book. When the mother came into the big sister's room to tell her breakfast was done, the big sister was murdered. Who did it? Answer: The father.
by Tricky Riddler v2.