Vampires At A Sleepover

Author: Dande
2 years ago

Riddle: Sally invited 23 guests to her sleepover party. Don't worry, she promised, only three of them are vampires. She served garlic bread to everyone, yet not a single person died. How did all the people at the sleepover survive?
Answer: Vampires are not people. They died
Sally invited 23 guests to her sleepover party. Don't worry, she promised, only three of them are vampires. She served garlic bread to everyone, yet not a single person died. How did all the people at the sleepover survive?
Vampires At A Sleepover by Dande v1.

Riddle: Sally invited 23 guests to her sleepover party. Don't worry, she promised, only three of them are vampires. She served garlic bread to everyone, yet not a single person died. How did all the people at the sleepover survive? Answer: Vampires are not people. They died
by Dande v2.