I And Y

Author: Swassyboi
2 years ago

Riddle: From dawn to dusk I soar through the sky, A thunderous voice, but silent I fly. Through the darkest depths I will not die, Yet I can not be seen by the naked eye. What am I?
Answer: Radio waves.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/10266
From dawn to dusk I soar through the sky, A thunderous voice, but silent I fly. Through the darkest depths I will not die, Yet I can not be seen by the naked eye. What am I?
I and Y by Swassyboi v1.

Riddle: From dawn to dusk I soar through the sky, A thunderous voice, but silent I fly. Through the darkest depths I will not die, Yet I can not be seen by the naked eye. What am I? Answer: Radio waves.
by Swassyboi v2.