
Author: Austin Louis
2 years ago

Riddle: Jack has 7 turtles. Their names are Dominok, Reverso, Michael, Famino, Solago, Latin. What is the seventh turtle's name.
Answer: Timon. I guess Jack loves music so he names it based on notes
Source: https://www.riddles.com/10167
Jack has 7 turtles. Their names are Dominok, Reverso, Michael, Famino, Solago, Latin. What is the seventh turtle's name.
Turtles? by Austin Louis v1.

Riddle: Jack has 7 turtles. Their names are Dominok, Reverso, Michael, Famino, Solago, Latin. What is the seventh turtle's name. Answer: Timon. I guess Jack loves music so he names it based on notes
by Austin Louis v2.