A Hard Choice

Author: Nam le
3 years ago

Riddle: It's a non-lucky day, you find yourself in a skyscraper. And it's bad enough an aeroplane is about to hit you in about 3 minutes, to bad you are at the top of the skyscraper. But you see three elevators, but the first one has lava everywhere, the second one has instant killing gas. Well, that sounds bad enough, then the last one with poisonous spikes everywhere. What do you choose?
Answer: The first one is the correct answer. The lava would likely already turn into stone, by the time.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/8977
It's a non-lucky day, you find yourself in a skyscraper. And it's bad enough an aeroplane is about to hit you in about 3 minutes, to bad you are at the top of the skyscraper. But you see three elevators, but the first one has lava everywhere, the second one has instant killing gas. Well, that sounds bad enough, then the last one with poisonous spikes everywhere. What do you choose?
A hard choice by Nam le v1.

Riddle: It's a non-lucky day, you find yourself in a skyscraper. And it's bad enough an aeroplane is about to hit you in about 3 minutes, to bad you are at the top of the skyscraper. But you see three elevators, but the first one has lava everywhere, the second one has instant killing gas. Well, that sounds bad enough, then the last one with poisonous spikes everywhere. What do you choose? Answer: The first one is the correct answer. The lava would likely already turn into stone, by the time.
by Nam le v2.