Riddle For Cool Teens And Tweens

Author: Porb Gershwin
4 years ago

Riddle: What has ten eyes, though four of them are glass? And many mouths with council only crass? Seven titles, one shared name, Owning many strange domains, Held together by a love that's sure to last?
Answer: The McElroy Brothers
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/8424
What has ten eyes, though four of them are glass? And many mouths with council only crass? Seven titles, one shared name, Owning many strange domains, Held together by a love that's sure to last?
Riddle for Cool Teens and Tweens by Porb Gershwin v1.

Riddle: What has ten eyes, though four of them are glass? And many mouths with council only crass? Seven titles, one shared name, Owning many strange domains, Held together by a love that's sure to last? Answer: The McElroy Brothers
by Porb Gershwin v2.