The Student's Curiosity

Author: MHX-D0N
5 years ago

Riddle: A student asked his teacher, "Miss, is it fair if I get in trouble for something I did not do?" The teacher replied, "Of course not! Tell me who got you in trouble for something you didn't do?" What do you think the student replied with?
Answer: "Miss, I forgot to do my Homework again!"
A student asked his teacher, "Miss, is it fair if I get in trouble for something I did not do?"  The teacher replied, "Of course not! Tell me who got you in trouble for something you didn't do?"   What do you think the student replied with?
The Student's Curiosity by MHX-D0N v1.

Riddle: A student asked his teacher, "Miss, is it fair if I get in trouble for something I did not do?"  The teacher replied, "Of course not! Tell me who got you in trouble for something you didn't do?"   What do you think the student replied with? Answer: "Miss, I forgot to do my Homework again!"
by MHX-D0N v2.