A Cave Four Three

Author: casarelolz2004
5 years ago

Riddle: One night, a butcher, a shopkeeper and a mechanic walk into an empty cave. The next day 4 people came out. How is this possible? (explain)
Answer: 'One night' means 'one KNIGHT' therefore four people walked into the cave in the first place.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/6799
One night, a butcher, a shopkeeper and a mechanic walk into an empty cave. The next day 4 people came out. How is this possible? (explain)
A Cave Four Three by casarelolz2004 v1.

Riddle: One night, a butcher, a shopkeeper and a mechanic walk into an empty cave. The next day 4 people came out. How is this possible? (explain) Answer: 'One night' means 'one KNIGHT' therefore four people walked into the cave in the first place.
by casarelolz2004 v2.