A Fun Man

Author: Riddle Kitten
5 years ago

Riddle: A man skips happily into a bar. He orders a Coke. The waiter does not serve him, but he says... "Sorry, we do not serve mushrooms here." Why won't the waiter serve him?
Answer: Because the man was a Fun Guy(fungi)!!!!!
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/6719
A man skips happily into a bar. He orders a Coke. The waiter does not serve him, but he says... "Sorry, we do not serve mushrooms here." Why won't the waiter serve him?
A fun man by Riddle Kitten v1.

Riddle: A man skips happily into a bar. He orders a Coke. The waiter does not serve him, but he says... "Sorry, we do not serve mushrooms here." Why won't the waiter serve him? Answer: Because the man was a Fun Guy(fungi)!!!!!
by Riddle Kitten v2.