49 Peaches

Author: Anonymous
8 years ago

Riddle: There are 50 horses and 50 kings riding along an old dirt road. They came to a peach tree with 50 peaches. Each took one, yet there were still 49 left. How is this possible?
Answer: Each is the name of one of the kings and he's the only one that took one!
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/614
There are 50 horses and 50 kings riding along an old dirt road. They came to a peach tree with 50 peaches. Each took one, yet there were still 49 left. How is this possible?
49 Peaches by Anonymous v1.

Riddle: There are 50 horses and 50 kings riding along an old dirt road. They came to a peach tree with 50 peaches. Each took one, yet there were still 49 left. How is this possible? Answer: Each is the name of one of the kings and he's the only one that took one!
by Anonymous v2.