Dinner Mystery

Author: 6085
6 years ago

Riddle: A woman shoots her husband, then holds him under water for five minutes. A little while later, they both go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Answer: She shot her husband with a camera and then developed the photo.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/5710
A woman shoots her husband, then holds him under water for five minutes. A little while later, they both go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Dinner Mystery by 6085 v1.

Riddle: A woman shoots her husband, then holds him under water for five minutes. A little while later, they both go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? Answer: She shot her husband with a camera and then developed the photo.
by 6085 v2.