Diet Coke Death

Author: Llama Walsh
6 years ago

Riddle: Two girls ate dinner together at a restrant. Lilly and Jane both ordered diet coke. Lilly drank 3 in the time it took Jane to drink one. Jane died while Lilly survived. Both of the drinks were poisened. How did Lilly survive?
Answer: The poison was in the ice.
Two girls ate dinner together at a restrant. Lilly and Jane both ordered diet coke. Lilly drank 3 in the time it took Jane to drink one. Jane died while Lilly survived. Both of the drinks were poisened. How did Lilly survive?
Diet Coke Death by Llama Walsh v1.

Riddle: Two girls ate dinner together at a restrant. Lilly and Jane both ordered diet coke. Lilly drank 3 in the time it took Jane to drink one. Jane died while Lilly survived. Both of the drinks were poisened. How did Lilly survive? Answer: The poison was in the ice.
by Llama Walsh v2.