Ready For Work

Author: Anonymous
8 years ago

Riddle: You will find me with four legs, but no hair. People ride me for hours, but I don't go anywhere. Without needing to be tugged, jerked or turned on, I always manage to be ready for work. What am I?
Answer: A desk.
You will find me with four legs, but no hair.
People ride me for hours, but I don't go anywhere.
Without needing to be tugged, jerked or turned on,
I always manage to be ready for work.
What am I?
Ready For Work by Anonymous v1.

Riddle: You will find me with four legs, but no hair.
People ride me for hours, but I don't go anywhere.
Without needing to be tugged, jerked or turned on,
I always manage to be ready for work.
What am I? Answer: A desk.
by Anonymous v2.