What Could I Be?

Author: Gia Minh Bui
7 years ago

Riddle: I am at the beginning of eternity, but also I am at the beginning of equators. I am at the end of life, but also I am the end of love. What am I?
Answer: The letter E
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/3626
I am at the beginning of eternity, but also I am at the beginning of equators. I am at the end of life, but also I am the end of love. What am I?
What could I be? by Gia Minh Bui v1.

Riddle: I am at the beginning of eternity, but also I am at the beginning of equators. I am at the end of life, but also I am the end of love. What am I? Answer: The letter E
by Gia Minh Bui v2.