Every Night I'm Told What To Do

Author: Eragon
7 years ago

Riddle: Every night, I'm told what to do. And every morning, I do what you tell me to do. But you still get mad at me and hit me. What am I?
Answer: An alarm clock.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/2913
Every night, I'm told what to do. And every morning, I do what you tell me to do. But you still get mad at me and hit me. What am I?
Every night I'm told what to do by Eragon v1.

Riddle: Every night, I'm told what to do. And every morning, I do what you tell me to do. But you still get mad at me and hit me. What am I? Answer: An alarm clock.
by Eragon v2.