
Author: Evan
7 years ago

Riddle: A man is in a cabin in the woods. There is no life within 50 miles of him. A traveler comes along and finds a dead body in a crashed plane. The cabin was destroyed when the traveler passed. Why was it destroyed?
Answer: The pilot crashed the plane.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/2748
A man is in a cabin in the woods. There is no life within 50 miles of him. A traveler comes along and finds a dead body in a crashed plane. The cabin was destroyed when the traveler passed. Why was it destroyed?
Woods by Evan v1.

Riddle: A man is in a cabin in the woods. There is no life within 50 miles of him. A traveler comes along and finds a dead body in a crashed plane. The cabin was destroyed when the traveler passed. Why was it destroyed? Answer: The pilot crashed the plane.
by Evan v2.